Do you know not all back pain is Sciatica?

Pain in neck and back occurs suddenly or gradually, may be felt in one localized area or widespread area or some times refers into arms and legs. In most of the cases it does not occurs in a single trauma. It occurs due to repeated stress on muscles, ligaments, bones and joints over a period of time. pain can be mild to moderate, dull, annoying ache to severe, disabling pain. This type of pain can be incredibly debilitating, affecting both physical and emotional well-being. Tasks that were once routine may become challenging, impacting work, sleep, and overall quality of life. Additionally, persistent pain can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression.

Sciatica Pain Treatment In Gurgaon
Sciatic nerve pain:-

Often characterized by one or more of the following symptoms

  • 1. Constant, shooting pain radiating in buttocks, posterior thigh and down in the leg and foot unilaterally or bilaterally.
  • 2. Pain intensity increased in sitting position.
  • 3. Patients always complains of weakness and some times numbness and tingling sensation in the affected leg.
  • 4. Sharp , burning pain which make it difficult to stand up and walk
Causes of sciatica Usually sciatica is caused by :
  • 1. Bulging , prolapsed, herniated or a ruptured disc which compresses the sciatic nerve.
  • 2. Degenerative disc disease due to normal aging process.
  • 3. Improper technique for lifting heavy weights.
  • 4.Physical trauma.
  • 5.Sudden twist or jerky movements.
  • 6.Spinal misalignment.
  • 7.Any pathology.
  • 8.Tight piriformis muscle.
Sciatica Pain Treatment In Gurgaon
Physiotherapy treatment

Physiotherapy plays an important role in sciatica treatment and a physiotherapist can design a treatment protocol in combination of thermotherapy, electrotherapy, spinal manipulation and myofascial release according to the severity of the pain. Physiotherapist is very well trained who can advice you about your posture and can look for any muscle imbalances in the body.

Physiotherapy treatment for sciatica divided in to parts.

Pain management
  • Thermotherapy- hot and cold pack to reduce inflammation and muscle spasm.
  • Electrotherapy- TENS and IFT using a modified current to stimulate the peripheral nerves and sensory nerve ending. The stimulation caused by electrotherapy helps brain to release more endorphins to over ride the sciatic pain
  • Ultrasound- sound waves with thermal effects that penetrates deep into the tissue to increase circulation and to promote healing process.
  • Spinal manipulation- spinal manipulation corrects ant misalignment the spinal Colum producing pain.
  • MFR- myofascial release specialized manual technique to correct the muscle imbalances.
  • Strengthening program- specialized exercise protocol design by your therapist including stretching exercise and strengthening exercise will help you recover faster and prevent you for further problems.
  • Walking- slow walking is important to exchange the nutrition for the disc and to avoid muscle weakness.
  • Posture- improve your posture don’t sit regularly more than 20 to 30 minutes take break and trench your body.
  • Weight lifting- while lifting heavy weight always bend your hip and knee and hold the object close to your body.
  • Water intake- increase water intake to hydrate the disc and for batter drainage.
  • Sleeping- use firm mattress and thin pillow to maintain the spinal curves.